What Is Classical Liberalism?

It really started with the application of Aristotelian logic by the early learned ones – the monks – within the Christian world. In essence it was a sincere effort to harmonize science and religion. Significantly what emerged was the methodology of subjectivism.

Ask me about the methodology of subjectivism.

Socialism = Declination.

When there is no incentive to save the immediate consequences are not seen unless socialism is full-blown and chronic.

If a society has in the past had incentives to save, then when it transitions to socialism the full effect of this destructive ideology will be masked by capital consumption. There will still be resources carried over from the earlier times when capital was used to generate products for the future.

Examine the incentives to save in socialism. You do not own anything because it is collectivized. Some may reply ‘that is only in an extreme system of socialism but other lesser degrees of socialism allow ownership.’ But at some point the table tips because the disincentives to be the productive members of society become too great. Why work hard and save when others who do not work hard and save receive the benefits? This progressively whittles away at the numbers who are willing to work hard and save.

When you do not own the place where you live and it needs repair do you (or will most people) do the repairs?

The declination and deterioration begins to set in. Look at Venezuela.

Getting out of the blight of socialism is far more difficult than being lulled into it. Without ownership there is very little incentive to save (“Save for what?” is the pressing question.) which means that over time there are less and less available goods and services, eventually leading to the extreme system where the political class has all the wealth and the rest are impoverished.

Why would politicians strive for this? First, they are the ones in the political class. Then there are those who are actually militant Marxists who think that helping to destroy capitalism leads to the glorious age of communism!

How can politicians get away with portraying socialism as a noble ends? First, there is enough remnant capital that hides – in the short run – the destructiveness of socialism. Second, the politician demonizes wealth and enables the State:

  • to distract attention away from its corruption
  • to extract even more from those who have wealth, sustaining the State
  • and this also satisfies the envy of the masses.

Third, the politician actually unabashedly promises to give people some of the wealth that it confiscates from the wealthy. Fourth, the politician allows the State to counterfeit the currency and amass great debt to give the illusion of viability.

Socialism = Declination. It is the destroyer of civilization.

Contact me.

Cashless Society!?!

I will give you three rocks and a frog for that crooked stick with bug holes in it, but only if the stick is strong enough to serve as a sword.

The origin of the push for a ‘cashless society’ comes from the same motivation as leaving the gold standard. The motivation is to gain more control of the wealth of people which is another way of saying it is the next step in the grab of power by the State.

Just like with gold, the propaganda will portray cash as a relic!

And this time not only will your wealth be surreptitiously taken from you but all of your choices will be monitored electronically. Who in their right mind could possibly imagine that giving that kind of information to the State will be good for humanity?

At least, then, no one poked into my business declaring that having a pretend sword and having a human imagination was no longer acceptable to those who lust after control.

Economic freedom is inseparable from all other freedoms and this attack – deceptively and deviously portrayed as a good – is part of the effort of the State to bring about totalitarianism. That is where statism ultimately leads. 

 Check out my website: http://www.divineeconomytheory.com

The Soulful Microeconomics Of Disequilibrium.

That which cannot be seen not only has tremendous potential but it is also quite revealing about how best to scientifically investigate. Some would say that the human soul is glorious and magnificent but who has ever seen it? Analogously the values subjectively given to all goods and services by each and all of the people in the world cannot be seen.

When an exchange takes place the buyer values what he gets in the exchange more than what he sells and the seller values higher what he gets in return. It is incorrect to say these are equal because if they were merely equal there would be no reason to exchange. The price agreed on is sufficient for exchange but that is all it indicates.

What is hidden is the value and it is disgraceful for economic science to simply pretend that the two things in the exchange are equally valued.

So you see unless you are willing to recognize that the unseen and hidden have tremendous potential for helping to advance scientific understanding most of what is meaningful is ignored.

The three major differences between this book, The Human Essence of Economics, and any other microeconomics book are:

1.     The source of subjective valuation is identified.

2.     The real world is what we are interested in and it is recognized as a dynamic disequilibrium.

3.     Primarily, it is the searching entrepreneurial spirit that drives the economy.

Look around; compare this approach with any and all other books about microeconomics and compare it with the real world that you live in. That will be reason enough for you to prefer this book over others and also for you to be intrigued about its contents.


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The Before-And-After-Socialism Of Statism.

A glutton for punishment does not seem to know that taking the long and familiar road to the same ole stomping grounds yields the same outcome.

As is evident from the rhetoric that we all constantly hear, since it is loudly proclaimed that there is no scarcity but rather, endless abundance, abundance that needs to beshared equally by everyone. This proclaimed endless abundance is the reason for the mesmerizing promises.

A sigh of relief can be heard, a sort of bleat, when the cattle leave the noisy cramped truck into a more spacious chute that leads to. . . uh-oh!

As is evident as soon as the campaign circus is over, scarcity becomes an unavoidable constraint. The shift inevitably occurs and so then the rhetoric changes to the need for everyone to share equally in the tightening of their belts; and those who resist the mandated austerity are ostracized or worse (history shows their fate). How dare they work against the equitableness of the exalted leader who is entitled to live in the shelter of plenty.

It is this charade that is the visible cycle of the ideology of statism, visible to anyone who has even a glimmer of critical thinking skills.

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Economics, Ethics And Satanic Fancies.

Arranging my thoughts in some sort of priority made me ponder other things. What if I arranged them out of order, and isn’t it true that my priorities can easily change?

In economics the science has been perverted by imposing empiricism which allows the ego-driven interpreters to make the claim that data means whatever will best serve the interests of the ego-driven interventionists.

In ethics the ego-driven interpreters normatively make the false claim to be the ones whose knowledge is omniscient and omnipresent enough to pronounce what is universally best for subjective human beings.

Neither of these errors is possible if, instead, the correct scientific methodology is used. But by turning a blind eye to the methodology of subjectivism these potentially powerful and beneficial sciences are turned into playthings and tools for the satanic fancies of the ego-driven.

Unbeknownst there is something lurking in the dark background and I have the immediate sensation that it will cause my hair to stand on end – so I decide to grab a flashlight. There it is!

The ideology of statism is the breeding ground for these fallacious ‘sciences’ and the consequence is an ever-growing malignant State that causes great suffering to all of humankind.

“The great Satan” is not just one State or another, it is the chimerical myth that human society needs a coercive entity – the State – or else the future is doomed. Until that myth is dispelled the victims (humankind) will be victimized.

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What Do You Mean By Statism?

The belief in the myth of the State.
Humans seek cooperation because they are social creatures and because they know (have learned this from the beginning of human history and so it is sort of embedded in their DNA now) that social cooperation is a good; that they and others benefit from it.
The presence of a coercive entity portrayed as necessary for the sake of humanity is a myth.
Without the State interfering with human endeavors the ethics and economy would be far more advanced. It is time to discard the plague of the Dark Ages of economics – the State.

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Social Network Advertising – What Is Your Experience?

I am interested to hear about your experiences trying to advertise using any of the various social network platforms.I will be ‘testing the waters’ so to speak in the near future since my second book is now available also as a printed book.

There are analytics associated with each platform and there is the ultimate result – book sales. All of this should provide a good empirical test of the ad content, the audience targeting, and the choice of platform.

But before I embark on this quest to find the best, or a really good, social network to advertise my most recent product I hope to hear about your experiences. You can post your comments publicly on this site or you can email me privately. Either way I want to thank you ahead of time for taking a few minutes to share your experiences.


WISHES FOR YOU: 2016>2015!!!

Bad Economic News Hiding The Good Economic News!

Overturning rocks reveals critters and some slime; holes and fragments of disintegrating things which make the exploration interesting but I am far more interested in what is happening above all of this.

Looking around, all that can be found is bad economic news. Sure there are examples of great discoveries by and accomplishments of entrepreneurs but they are facing very difficult circumstances and unless they are fortunate enough to have exceptional flexibility even their contributions to the good economic news is fragile.

Unless you are very naïve it is obvious that the reports provided by the governments around the world are doctored to appear rosy for political reasons.

One example of bad economic news is the collapse of the oil production industry and the subsequent absence of increased retail sales despite the dropping of oil prices and the prices of gasoline at the pumps.

Keen to the changing patterns and keen to the nuances within those patterns, there is a macrocosm that dwarfs darkness. As the darkness recedes there is something fresh, the stirring of a spring breeze.

The good economic news that is hidden yet able to be quickly shared and its impact felt universally throughout the economy is the appearance of a new economic technology that has the power to eradicate the true disease of the economy.  Knowledge is always the best means to counter errors that are systemic.

And just in time the basic framework for economic knowledge has been fortified and made whole. The macroeconomic foundation for a healthy economy is contained in “More Than Laissez-Faire” and the microeconomic foundation of the knowledge needed to fight the good battle of true economic science is contained in “The Human Essence of Economics.” The models that are made known in these books represent the new economic technology and that is the good economic news that will dwarf and rectify the unpalatable bad economic news that seems to be dominating the human psyche in these, the Dark Ages of economics.

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